About this master
Master’s degree in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.
Why study the Master's Degree in Sustainable Agriculture?
The Master's degree is a two-year full-time academic programme leading to a Joint Master Degree to be awarded, accredited and recognised by three universities: Public University of Navarre (UPNA, Spain), the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA, Greece) and University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD, Portugal). You will obtain training in the most advanced technologies and methodologies that can be applied to enhance the environmental, economic and social sustainability of farming. You will have the skills to:
- Apply such cutting-edge technologies to daily operational work in farms.
- Provide assistance and advice to farmers in the implementation of smart agriculture systems.
- Use technology efficiently to reduce the environmental impact of farming activities, costs and emissions and the presence of agrochemicals in surface and underground waters, and besides, avoid soil degradation.
- Follow on a basic or applied research career in industry or academia, eventually leading to a Doctoral degree.
From which degrees can I access SUSTAGRI?
Bachelor's degree in the following areas:
- Agricultural Engineering.
- Computing and Telecommunication Engineering.
- Environmental Engineering.
- Civil Engineering.
Any other similar degrees.
Degree Awarded and Accreditation
SUSTAGRI is a two-year full-time academic programme leading to a Joint Master Degree to be awarded by three Universities: the Public University of Navarre (UPNA), from Spain, the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), from Greece, and the University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), from Portugal. The Master Degree will be accredited according to the regulations of the three Member States and recognised by the three partner Universities.
Post-graduation opportunities
- You will be able to work in companies and organisations in the following areas:
- All types of farms engaged in crop production.
- Public or private companies providing advice to farmers and agricultural extension.
- Universities, public or private centres that carry out research related to sustainable agriculture.
- National or international agencies that seek to improve and make the agri-food chain more efficient and sustainable.
- All types of entities aimed at managing water resources.
- All types of entities aimed at managing land and territory in general.
- Irrigation system design, installation, operation and control companies.
- Elegibility for PhD programs:
- Doctoral Degree in Environmental Agrobiology (UPNA)
- Doctoral Degree in Science and Technology (UPNA)
- Doctoral Degree in Agrifood (UPNA)
- Doctoral Degree in Efficient Systems in Food Quality and Production (UPNA)
- Doctoral degree Agriculture and Forestry Sciences (UTAD)
- Doctoral degree Agricultural Production Chains – From Fork to Farm (UTAD)
- Doctoral degree TechAgro – Emerging Technologies applied to AgroForestry Systems (UTAD)
- Doctoral degree Sustainable Forest Development (UTAD)
- Doctoral degree Enology and Viticulture (UTAD)
- Doctoral Degree of the Department of Natural Resources Development and
Agricultural Engineering (AUA) - Doctoral Degrees of all other departments of the Agricultural
University of Athens (AUA)