Governing bodies
General Secretary
Telephone: 948 16 9223
Roldán Jimeno Aranguren holds a second-cycle degree in Law from the UNED, a second-cycle degree in History from the University of Navarre, with Extraordinary Prize and Third National Completion of Degree Prize, a PhD in History from the University of Navarre, a PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the University of the Basque Country, and a PhD in Law from the University of Deusto. He is currently Tenured Professor of the History of Law at the Public University of Navarre.
At the UPNA, he has held the positions of Head of the Students under the Vice-rector of Students, Employment and Entrepreneurship, secretary of I-Communitas-Institute for Advanced Social Research and secretary of the Department of Public Law.
Before teaching at the UPNA, he taught at the University of Navarre (1996-2001) and the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (2001-2003). He has completed numerous research stays at academic centres in the United States, Italy, France and Ireland.
The author of some twenty books, he has had more than a hundred articles and contributions to co-authored books published. His most recent publications include the books "Matrimonio y otras uniones afines en el Derecho histórico navarro (siglos VIII-XVIII)" (Marriage and other similar unions in historical Navarrese Law (8th-16th centuries)) (Dykinson, 2015), "El régimen económico matrimonial en el Derecho navarro (1839-2015)" (The matrimonial property regime in Navarrese Law (1839-2015)) (Aranzadi, 2015), "Miguel Javier Urmeneta (1915-1988). Segunda República, Franquismo y Transición" (Miguel Javier Urmeneta (1915-1988). Second Republic, Francoism and Transition) (Pamiela, 2015), "Los Fueros de Navarra" (The Charter of Navarre) (Official State Gazette State Agency, 2016), and "Amnesties, pardons and transitional justice: Spain’s Pact of Forgetting" (Routledge, 2018).
He is also directing the Complete works of José María Jimeno Jurío, of which more than 50 volumes have been published.
He is the editor of the journal "Príncipe de Viana", published by the Government of Navarre, and secretary of "Iura Vasconiae. Revista de Derecho histórico y Autonómico de Vasconia" (Journal of Historical and Autonomous Law of Vasconia). He is a member of the Navarrese Civil Law Advisory Council and a member of the Navarrese Cultural Council.