Governing bodies
Governing Board
This is UPNA's regular governing body. It consists of the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellors, the General Secretary, the General Manager and twenty other members. Two of them must be members of the Social Committee, and eighteen must be members of the university community.
Its major duties are the following:
- To put forward the University’s multi-annual programming project and the annual budgetary project.
- To approve the proposals to change teaching staff.
- To approve the curriculums.
- To establish the criteria to select, hire and promote teaching staff and administration and services staff.
- To appoint the members of the commissions of public competitions for University teaching staff positions.
- To approve the requirements to standardise official degrees and define UPNA’s own degrees.
- To establish the maximum number of students and the necessary requirements to access the first and second education cycles.
- To approve the general research plans.
- To establish the criteria to assess the activity of teaching staff and administration and services staff.
- To ratify agreements and exchange agreements.
- To approve the university and work academic calendar.
Rector, General Secretary and General Manager
- Ramón Gonzalo García (Rector)
- Roldán Jimeno Aranguren (General Secretary)
- Joaquín Romero Roldán (General Manager)
- Francisco Javier Arregui San Martín (Vice-rector of Research)
- Inés Olaizola Nogales (Vice-rector of Teaching Staff)
- Martin Larraza Kintana (Vice-rector of Economic Matters, Planning and Strategy)
- Cristina Bayona Sáez (Vice-rector of Students, Employment and Entrepreneurship)
- Edurne Barrenechea Tartas (Vice-rector of Digital Development)
- Begoña Pérez Eransus (Vice-rector of University Awareness, Culture and Dissemination)
- María Inmaculada Farran Blanch (Vice-rector of Academic Policy)
- Jorge Elso Torralba (Vice-rector of Internationalisation and Cooperation)
Representatives of Heads Department
- María José Asiain Ollo
- Luis Gandía Pascual
- Carlos Ruiz Zamarreño
- Miguel Ángel Barajas Vélez
Representatives of Deans and Heads of Centres
- Alfredo Ursúa Rubio
- Alicia Peñalva Vélez
Representatives of the Tenured PhD Professor sector
- Ana Zabalza Aznárez
- Daniel Paternáin Dallo
- Pablo Sanchis Gúrpide
- José Ignacio Pérez de Landazábal Berganzo
- Ramo Barrena Figueroa
- María Pilar Corredor Casado
Representatives of Tenured non-PhD Professors and non-tenured Professors
- Eva María Lecumberri Goyeneche
- Leyre Catalán Ros
Representatives of administration and service staff
- Maite Goicoechea López-Vailó
- Ana Arbona Zapata
Representative of students
- María Virto Martínez
- Rubén Asier Palma Pérez
Representatives of the Social Council
- Javier Vidorreta Salillas
- Idoia Sara Pérez
- Ramón Gonzalo García (Rector)
- Roldán Jimeno Aranguren (General Secretary)
Tenured PhD Professors
- Daniel Paternain Dallo
- Pablo Sanchis Gúrpide
- Iñaki Pérez de Landazabal Berganzo
Official teachers who are not doctors, PDI (teaching and researching staff) without a permanent contract with the University
- Leyre Catalán Ros
Deans and Heads of Centres
- Alfredo Ursúa Rubio
Heads of Department
- Miguel Ángel Barajas Vélez
- Carlos Ruiz Zamarreño
- Rubén Asier Palma Pérez
Administration and Service Staff
- Ana Arbona Zapata
Social Council
- Javier Vidorreta Salillas
Chairperson (Vice-rector of Teaching Staff)
- Inés Olaizola Nogales
Vice-rector of Academic Policy
- Inmaculada Farran Blanch
Tenured PhD Professors
- Mª Ramona Barrena Figueroa
Official teachers who are not doctors, PDI (teaching and researching staff) without a permanent contract with the University
- Leyre Catalán Ros
Deans and Heads of Centres
- Alicia Peñalva Vélez
Headd of Department
- Luis Gandía Pascual
- Rubén Asier Palma Pérez
Chairperson (Vice-rector of Economic Matters, Planning and Strategy)
- Martín Larraza Quintana
General Manager
- Joaquín Romero Roldán
Tenured PhD professors
- María Pilar Corredor Casado
Official teachers who are not doctors, PDI (teaching and researching staff) without a permanent contract with the University
- Eva María Lecumberri Goyeneche
Deans and Heads of Centres
- Alfredo Ursúa Rubio
Heads of Department
- María José Asiáin Ollo
Administration and Service Staff
- Ana Arbona Zapata
Social Council
- Still to be appointed