Governing bodies
UPNA commissions are divided into:
- Commissions created under the provisions of the University Statures.
- Internal commissions not established by the provisions of the University Statures.
- Martín Larraza Kintana (Vice-rector of Economic Matters, Planning and Strategy)
- Cristina Bayona Sáez
- Mónica Cortiñas Ugalde
- Leticia Jericó Ojer
- Francisco Javier Arregui San Martín
- Mariola Artuch Aguirre
- Javier Vidorreta Salillas
- Joaquín Romero Roldán
- Javier Fernández Montalvo
- Javier Goicoechea Fernández
- Inés Gabari Gambarte
- Rafael Lara González
- Ramo Barrena Figueroa
- Sandra Cavero Brújula
- Mercedes Sánchez García
- Piedad Muelas Gullón
- Gabriela Beatriz Arancibia Bahamonde
- Inés Olaizola Nogales (vicerrectora de Profesorado)
First voting member
- Juan Ramón de Miguel Velasco
First substitute
- Katrin Simón Elorz
Second substitute
- Soledad Barber Burusco
Second voting membe
- Marta Benito Amurrio
First substitute
- Mª José Erro Betrán
Second substitute
- Jesús Zurita Gabasa
- Francisco J. Arregui San Martín (vicerrector de Investigación)
Voting members
- Paloma Virseda Chamorro
- Antonio López Martín
- José Antonio Moler Cuiral
- Miguel Beruete Díaz
- Antonio Gil Bravo
- José Fernando Morán Juez
- Lourdes Lostao Unzu
- Amparo Lázaro Ibarrola
- Jesús Oliva Serrano
- Perdro Pascual Arzoz
- Pablo Sanchís Gurpide
- Teresa García Marco
- Elisa Sierra Hernáiz
- Cristina Solano Goñi
- Arantxa del Rey
- Imanol Nuñez Aldaz (by delegation of the Rector)
Teaching and research staff
- Unai Belintxon Martin
- Marko Galarza Galarza
- Orreaga Ibarra Murillo
- Kizkitza Insausti Barrenechea
- Maider Pérez de Villarreal Zufiaurre
- Idoya Labayen Goñi
Administration and services staff
- Susana Preboste Iraizoz
- Juan Cruz Ruiz de Gauna Gorostiza
- Pablo San Román Bengoetxea
- Garazi Aizcorbe Escriche
- Lander Iturbide Izaguirre
- María Ángeles Egúsquiza Balmaseda
- María Teresa García Marco
- Ignacio Sánchez de la Yncera
- Carlos del Río Bocio
- Javier Fernández Montalvo
- David Astrain Ulibarrena
- Paloma Vírseda Chamorro
First regular member
- Jesús Palacián Subiela
First substitute
- Luis Gandía Pascual
Second substitute
- Teresa Hualde Manso
Second regular member
- Eloísa Ramírez Vaquero
First substitute
- Alejandro Torres Gutiérrez
Second substitute
- Hugo López López
Third regular member
- Carmen Jarén Ceballos (presidenta)
First substitute
- Carlos Aragón Garbizu
Second substitute
- María Soledad Barber Burusco
Fourth regular member
- José Miguel Beriáin Razquin
First substitute
- Alberto Enrique Martín
Second substitute
- José María Uribe Oyarbide
Fifth regular member
- José Javier López Rodríguez (secretario)
First substitute
- María José Asiáin Ollo
Second substitute
- José Javier López Goñi
- Roldán Jimeno Aranguren (General Secretary)
- Lucía Jimeno Sanz de Galdeano (Head of Legal Services)
Tenured PhD professors:
- Idoya Zabaleta Arregui
- Ana Zabalza Aznárez
Tenured non-PhD Professors and non-tenured Professors
- Simon Eduardo Ruiz Hernández
Technical, Management and Administration and Services Staff
- Goyo Ayape Carrica
Student board members
- María Pilar San Francisco Zabal
Tenured PhD professors (Tudela)
- Víctor Domínguez Baguena
- Joaquín Romero Roldán (General Manager)
- Martin Larraza Kintana (Vice-rector for Economic Matters, Planning and Strategy)
- José María Uribe Oyarbide (Chairperson of PDI, Teaching & Research Staff)
- Augusto Paredes Antón (Chairperson of the Board of PAS, Administration & Services Staff)
- María José Asiáin Ollo (Board of Governors)
- Roldán Jimeno Aranguren (General Secretary)
- Mikel Xabier Echegaray Garaicoechea (General Registry)
- Lucía Costanilla Baquedano (General Registry)
- Cristina Abaurrea Arizmendi (Legal Advisory Section)
- Antonio Ureta Aizcorbe (Technical Secretary)
- José Miguel Lana Berasain (Professor of History of Economics)
- To be appointed (Section of Organisation and Quality)
- Juan Ramón Bastarrica Larrauri (Head of the Computing Service)
- Santiago Lago Gutiérrez (Representante PAS)
- Ramón Huarte Otazu
- Emiliano Garín Arriaga (PAS representative)
- Marcos Andrés Vierge (PDI representative)
- Amaia Arriaga Azcárate (PDI representative)
- Luis Martínez Gómiz (Student representative)
- María Virto Martínez (Student representative)
- Inmaculada Farran Blanch (Vice-rector of Academic Policy)
- Cristina Bayona Saez (Vice-rector of Students, Employment and Entrepreneurship)
- Arantxa Villanueva Larre (Head of Teaching Staff, Vice-rector of Teaching Staff's office)
- Leticia Jericó Ojer (Head of Qualification Management and Quality, Vice-rector of Academic Policy’s office
- Javier Fernández Montalvo (Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Sandra Cavero Brújula (Dean of the School of Economics and Business Administration)
- Rafael Lara González (Dean of the Faculty of Law)
- Inés Gabari Gambarte (Dean of the Faculty of Human, Social and Educational Sciencies)
- Ramo Barrena Figueroa (Head of the School of Agricultural Engineering and Bioscience)
- Javier Goicoechea Fernández (Head of the School of Industrial & ICT Engineering)
- Mercedes Sánchez García (Head of the EDONA )
- Gabriela Beatriz Arancibia Bahamonde (Chair of the Student Council)
- Piedad Muelas Gullón (Head of the Organisation and Quality Section)
- Roberto Vallés Lanas (Head of the Academic Policy Service)
- Francisco J. Arregui San Martín (Vice-rector of Research)
Voting members
At the proposal of the Research Committee
- Florencio Marzo Pérez
- Iñigo Lasa Uzcudun
- Federico Castillo Martínez
- Ignacio José Encio Martínez (Vice President)
At the proposal of the Director of the Agrobiotechnological Institute
- Jon Veramendi Charola
At the proposal of the Health & Safety Committee
- Paloma Vírseda Chamorro
Animal Health Specialist
- Mª Jesús Grilló Dolset
- Santiago Álvarez Folgueras
Chairperson (appointed by the Social Council)
- Óscar Altuzarra Maestre (University Professor with Chair of the University of the Basque Country)
Voting members of the Public University of Navarre
- Inés Olaizola Nogales (Vice-rector of Teaching Staff)
- Inés Gabari Gambarte (Representative of Heads and Deans of Centres on the Board of Governors)
- Luis Gandía Pascual (Representative of Heads of Departments on the Board of Governors))
- Diego Aguirre Elvira (Representative of students on the Board of Governors)
Voting member appointed by the ANECA
- Cristina Guilarte Martín-Calero (Tenured Professor, University of Valladolid)
- Juan Manuel Cabasés Hita (University Professor with Chair of the Public University of Navarre)
- Manuel López-Amo Sainz (University Professor with Chair of the Public University of Navarre)
- José Luis Goñi Sein (University Professor with Chair of the Public University of Navarre)
- Jorge Elso Torralba
- Begoña Ballaz Torres
Voting members
- Alicia Chicharro Lázaro
- Jokin Aginaga García
- Imanol Núñez Aldaz
- Diego Rivera Camacho
- Iñigo Virto Quecedo
- María Jesús Campión Arrastia
- Iñigo de la Parra Laita
- Iñaki Riaño Brun
- Magdalena Romera Ciria
- Mercedes Sánchez García
- The Vice-Rector responsible for student affairs or the person he/she delegates, who will chair the committee
- A member designated by the Vice-Rector responsible for academic policy, who will act as secretary
- The Chair of the Academic Committee of the Social Council or the person he/she delegates
- The member of the Social Council who represents students
- Deans and School Directors or person to whom they delegate.
- Inmaculada Farran Blanch (Vice-rector of Academic Policy)
- Roberto Vallés Lanas (Vice-rector of Teaching Staff)
- lmanol Núñez Aldaz (Area Director of the Vice-Rectorate of Academic Policy)
- Juan Miguel Benito Ostolaza (member at the proposal of the Faculty of Economics and Business Science)
- Francisco José López Arceiz (member at the proposal of the Faculty of Economics and Business Science)
- Aránzazu Jurío Munárriz (member at the proposal of the School of Industrial & ICT Engineering)
- Alfredo Ursúa Rubio member at the proposal of the School of Industrial & ICT Engineering)
- Alfredo Pina Calafi (member at the proposal of the Faculty of the Human, Social and Educational Sciences)
- Juan José Zubiri Lujambio member at the proposal of the Faculty of the Human, Social and Educational Sciences)
- Beatriz Rodríguez Sanz de Galdeano (member at the proposal of the Faculty of Law)
- lñaki Riaño Brun (member at the proposal of the Faculty of Law)
- Olga López de Dicastillo Sainz de Murieta (member at the proposal of the Faculty of Health Sciences)
- José Javier López Goñi (member at the proposal of the Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Cristina Arroqui Vidaurreta (member at the proposal of the School of Agricultural Engineering and Biosciences)
- Ramo Barrena Figueroa (member at the proposal of the School of Agricultural Engineering and Biosciences)
- Cristina Bayona Sáez (Vice-Rector for Students, Empoyment and Entrepreneurship)
- Jokin Aginaga García (Area Director, responsible for Students Affairs)
- Leticia Jericó Ojer (Area Director, responsible for Educational Innovation)
Coordinator of the Tutorial Plan of each centre
- Mari Sol Gómez Fernández (School of Industrial & ICT Engineering)
- Arantza Almoguera Marton (Faculty of Human, Social and Educational Science)
- Idoia Zabaleta Arregui (Faculty of Economics and Business Administration)
- Aritz Romeo Ruiz (Faculty of Law)
- Iñigo Virto Quecedo (School of Agricultural Engineering and Biosciences)
- Alfono Arteaga Olleta (Faculty of Health Sciences)
Other members
- Roberto Vallés Lanas (Director of the Service of Academic Policy)
- Conchi Casado Redín (on behalf of the University Welcome Office)
- Balbina Liberal Artaiz (on behalf of the Unit of Social Action)
- Piedad Muelas Gullon (on behalf of the Section of Organisation and Quality)
- Dos representantes del alumnado, appointed by the Student Council
- Imanol Nuñez Aldaz (by delegation of the Rector)
- Orreaga Ibarra Murillo
- Susana Preboste Iraizoz
Access Coordinator. President
- Ana Zabalza Aznárez
Education Department Coordinator for EvAU
- Ana Mª Martínez Mongay
University professor
- Gustavo Ochoa Lezáun
Public high school teacher
- Raúl Abadías Camon
Expert in Academic Results Studies
- José Miguel Zabaleta Trecu
- Roberto Azanza Gazólaz
- Edurne Barrenechea Tartas (Vice-rector of Digital Development)
- Roldán Jimeno Aranguren
- José Javier Astrain Escola
- Juan Ramón Bastarrica Larrauri
- Francisco Javier Fernández Landa
- Aida Rodríguez (Valdepares Consulting S.L.U.)
- Joaquín Romero Roldán (General Manager)
- Susana Pérez Leza (Head of the Occupational Health and Environmental Management Section)
UPNA representatives
- Carmen Echeverría Arambillet
- Iosu García Fernández
- Iranzu García Iriarte
- Javier Goicoechea Fernández
- Jose Antonio Marañón
- Luis Gandía Pascual
- Miguel Berazaluce Gómez
- Miguel Angel Barajas Velez
- Ramona Barrera Figueroa
- Santiago Alvarez Folgueras
Prevention Delegates
- Ander Pascual Aritz (ELA - Works Council Labor PDI)
- Andrés Seco Meneses (CSIF - PDI Board)
- Daniel Paternain Dallo (CCOO - Works Council Labor PDI)
- Ernesto Manuel Pérez Esain (UGT - Works Council LaborPDI)
- Faustino Gimena Ramos (UGT - PDI Board)
- Idoia Ruiz de Escudero Fuentemilla (LAB - PAS Board)
- Jose Basilio Galván Herrera (CCOO - PDI Board)
- Maite López Flamarique (LAB - Works Labor PDI)
- Mª Concepción González PDI Board)
- Mirentxu Marín Malo (APDIC - Works Council Labor PDI)
- Sandra Espuelas Zuazu (CSIF - Works Council Labor PDI)
- Edurne Barrenechea Tartas (Vice-rector of Digital Development)
- Miguel Pagola Barrio
- Joaquín Romero Roldán
- José Ignacio González Ramírez
- Leticia Jericó Ojer
- Rafael Rodríguez Trías
- Francisco Falcone Lanas
- Roberto Vallés Lanas
- Juan Ramón Bastarrica Larrauri
- Piedad Muelas Gullón
- Iosu García Fernández
- Begoña Ballaz Torres
- Cristina Juanmartiñena Fernández
- Carlos Alonso Vega
- Conchi Casado Redín
- Francisco J. Arregui San Martín (Vice-Rector of Research)
- Carmen Echeverria Arambillet (Library Director)
- Marta Benito Amurrio
- Juan José Calvo Miranda
- Mercedes Sánchez García
- Gemma Mendaza Hernández
- Elisa Sierra Hernáiz
- Ramona Barrena Figueroa
- One appointed by the Student Council from among its members
- Francisco J. Arregui San Martín (vicerrector de Investigación)
- Milagros Ganuza Hernández (jefa de la Sección de Comunicación)
Voting members
- IdoyaLabayen Goñi (elected by the Governing Council)
- Antonio López Martín (elected by the Governing Council)
- Lourdes Lostao Unzu (elected by the Investigation Committee)
- José Antonio Moler Cuiral (elected by the Investigation Committee)
- Jesús Oliva Serrano (elected by the Investigation Committee)
- Nuria Osés Eraso (elected by the Governing Council)
- Pedro Pascual Arzoz (elected by the Investigation Committee)
- Joaquín Sevilla Moróder (elected by the Governing Council)