The University
Rectorial boards
Rector: Ramón Gonzalo García
Vice-rector of Research: Francisco Javier Arregui San Martín
Vice-rector of Teaching Staff: Inés Olaizola Nogales
Vice-rector of Quality, Economic Matters and Strategy: Martin Larraza Kintana
Vice-rector of Students, Employment and Entrepreneurship: Cristina Bayona Sáez
Vice-rector of Digital Development: Edurne Barrenechea Tartas
Vice-rector of University Awareness, Culture and Dissemination: Begoña Pérez Eransus
Vice-rector of Academic Policy: María Inmaculada Farran Blanch
Vice-rector of Internationalisation and Cooperation: Jorge Elso Torralba
General Secretary: Roldán Jimeno Aranguren
General Manager: Joaquín Romero Roldán
Rector: Ramón Gonzalo García
Vice-rector of Research: Francisco Javier Arregui San Martín
Vice-rector of Teaching Staff: Inés Olaizola Nogales
Vice-rector of Economic Matters, Planning and Strategy: Martin Larraza Kintana
Vice-rector of Students, Employment and Entrepreneurship: Cristina Bayona Sáez
Vice-rector of Digital Development: Edurne Barrenechea Tartas
Vice-rector of University Awareness, Culture and Dissemination: Begoña Pérez Eransus
Vice-rector of Academic Policy: María Inmaculada Farran Blanch
Vice-rector of Internationalisation and Cooperation: Jorge Elso Torralba
General Secretary: Roldán Jimeno Aranguren
General Manager: Joaquín Romero Roldán
Rector: Alfonso Carlosena
Vice-rector of Economic Matters, Planning and Teaching Staff: Manuel Rapún Gárate
Vice-rector of University Awareness and Institutional Relations: Eloísa Ramírez Vaquero
Vice-rector of Research: Ramón Gonzalo García
Vicer-rector of Academic Policy: Carmen Jarén Ceballos
Vice-rector of Students, Employment and Entrepreneurship: Cristina Bayona Sáez
Vice-rector of Internationalisation: Hugo López López
University secretary: Inés Olaizola Nogales
General Manager
Joaquín Romero Roldán
Pello Irujo Amezaga (from June 2015 to January 2016)
- Rector: Julio Lafuente López
- Vice-rectors
- 2011-2012
- Vice-rector of Research: Alfonso Carlosena García
- Vice-rector of Economy, Planning and Forecasting: Manuel Rapún Gárate
- Vice-rector of Social and Cultural Awareness: Eloísa Ramírez Vaquero
- Vice-rector of Students: Paloma Vírseda Chamorro
- Vice-rector of Teaching Staff: María José Asiáin Ollo
- Vice-rector of Teaching: Jesús Mª Pintor Borobia
- Vice-rector of International Relations and Cooperation: Javier Casalí Sarasíbar
- Vice-rector of the Tudela Campus: José Ramón Alfaro López
- 2013-2015
- Vice-rector of Research: Alfonso Carlosena García
- Vice-rector of Economy, Planning and Quality: Manuel Rapún Gárate
- Vice-rector of University Awareness: Eloísa Ramírez Vaquero
- Vice-rector of Students and Employment: Paloma Vírseda Chamorro
- Vice-rector of Academic Policy: Jesús Mª Pintor Borobia
- Vice-rector of International Relations and Cooperation: Javier Casalí Sarasíbar
- Vice-rector of the Tudela Campus: José Ramón Alfaro López
- 2011-2012
- General Secretary: Javier Echeverría Martorell
- General Manager: Pedro Iráizoz Munárriz
- Rector: Julio Lafuente López
- Vice-rectors
- Vice-rector of Research: Alfonso Carlosena García
- Vice-rector of Teaching Staff: María José Asiáin Ollo
- Vice-rector of Teaching: Jesús Mª Pintor Borobia
- Vice-rector of Students and International Relations: Javier Casalí Sarasíbar
- Vice-rector of Economic Matters, Plannings and Forecasting: Katrin Simón Elorz
- Vice-rector of Social and Cultural Awareness: Camino Oslé Guerendiain
- Vice-rector of the Tudela Campus: José Ramón Alfaro López
- General Secretary: Soledad Barber Burusco
- General Manager: Pedro Iráizoz Munárriz
- Heads
- Head of Teaching Staff: José Antonio Moler Cuiral
- Head of Student Relations: José Ramón Pascual Bonís
- Head of Academic Organisation: Jesús Zurita Gabasa
- Head of Planning: Jesús Villadangos Alonso
- Head of Scientific-Technological Infrastructures and Research Support: Cristina Gómez Polo
- Head of Knowledge Transfer: Cristina Bayona Sáez
- Head of Educational Innovation: David Benito Pertusa
- Head of Linguistic Planning: José Pablo Sotés Ruiz
- Head of International Relations: Beatriz Soret Lafraya
- Head of Social and Cultural Awareness: Cristina Madorrán García
- Head of Postgraduate Studies: Carmen Jarén Ceballos
- Head of Corporate Image: Ildefonso Grande Esteban
- Head of Old Students: Idoia Zabaleta Arregui
- Head of University Extension: Inés Gabari Gambarte
- Rector: Pedro Burillo López
- Vice-rectors
- Vice-rector of European Convergence and Institutional Relations: José Luis Iriarte Ángel
- Vice-rector of Teaching Staff: Luis Ezquerro Marín
- Vice-rector of Planning and Forecasting: Juan Manuel Cabasés Hita
- Vice-rector of Research: César Arrese-Igor Sánchez
- Vice-rector of Students and University Extension: Julián José Garrido Segovia
- Vice-rector of Teaching: Pedro Diéguez Elizondo, substituted by Juan Carrasco Pérez
- Vice-rector of Regulatory Developmen: Patricia Plaza Ventura
- General Secretary: Gabriel Lera Carreras
- General Manager: Luis Cruchaga Equiza
- Assistants
- Rector's Social and Community Relations assistant: Concepción Corera Oroz
- Heads
- Head of Cultural Activities: Ana Aliende Urtasun
- Head of European Convergence and Institutional Relations: Alfredo Pina Calafi
- Head of Teaching: Juan José Aguas Alcalde, substituted by Teresa García López de Meneses
- Head of Students: Berta García Celayeta
- Head of Planning: Salomé Goñi Legaz
- Head of Teaching Staff: Santiago Alfonso Ábrego
- Head of Knowledge Transfer: Francisco Javier Fernández de Muniáin Comajuncosa
- Head of Scientific-Technological Infrastructures and Research Support: Jesús María Pintor Borobia
- Rector: Antonio Pérez Prados
- Vice-rectors
- Vice-rector of Institutional and International Relations: Juan Franco Pueyo
- Vice-rector of Research and Technology Transfer: Antonio Purroy Unanua
- Vice-rector of Students and University Awareness: Reyes Berruezo Albéniz
- Vice-rector of Teaching Staff and Academic Policy: Julio Lafuente López, who was replaced by Patricio Hernández Pérez
- Vice-rector of Planning and Economic Matters: José Miguel Múgica Grijalba, who was replaced by Rafael Santamaría Aquilué
- Vice-rector of New Technologies and Educational Innovation: Joaquín Sevilla Moroder
- General Secretary: Patricio Hernández Pérez, who was replaced by José Luis Goñi Sein
- General Manager: Ignacio Recondo Aizpuru
Rector: Antonio Pérez Prados
Vice-rector of University Awareness: Heliodoro Robleda Cabezas
Vice-rector of Students: José Javier Crespo Ganuza
Vice-rector of Forecasting and Institutional Development: Enrique Rubio Torrano
Vice-rector of Academic Management: Yolanda Barcina Angulo, replaced by Jorge Nieto Vázquez
Vice-rector of Research: Pedro Aparicio Tejo
Rector's Open University Assistant: Alberto Pérez Calvo
Rector's Linguistic Standarization Assistant: José María Iza Etxebeste
A Level Coordinator: Antonio Purroy Unanua
General Secretary: Jesús María Osés Gorraiz
General Manager: Julián Balduz Calvo
- Rector: Juan García Blasco
- Vice-rectors
- 1992-1992
- Vice-rector of Services and Attention to the University Community: Patricio Hernández Pérez
- Vice-rector of Research: Vicente Madurga Pérez
- Vice-rector of Academic Policy and Teaching: Ana Casp Vanaclocha
- Vice-rector of New Technologies, University-Accredited Degrees and Outside Relations: Isabel Val Pardo
- Vice-rector of Planning, Economic Matters and Statutory Development: Fernando de la Hucha Celador
- 1993-1993
- Vice-rector of Teaching Staff: Ana Casp Vanaclocha
- Vice-rector of University-Accredited Degrees, Outside Relations and University Services: Isabel de Val Pardo
- Vice-rector of Academic Policy: Miguel Olmeda Fernández
- Vice-rector of Research: Julio Lafuente López
- 1994-1995
- Vice-rector of Academic Policy: Santiago Alfonso Ábrego
- Vice-rector of Institutional Coordination and Statutory Development: Fernando de la Hucha Celador
- Vice-rector of Students: José Ramón Pascual Bonis
- Vice-rector of Research: Julio Lafuente López
- Vice-rector of Special Studies and University Services: Carmen Lamsfus Arrién
- Vice-rector of Teaching Staff: Miguel Olmeda Fernández, who was replaced by Fernando de la Hucha, and María Victoria Mohedano replaced De la Hucha for two months in 1995
- 1992-1992
- Assistants
- Rector's Outside Relations assistant: Juan Carrasco Pérez
- Rector's Linguistic Standarization assistant: Javier Echeverría Martorell
- General Secretary: Javier Echeverría Martorell
- General Manager: Fernando de la Hucha Celador (until March of 1993). Then, he was replaced by Luis Cruchaga Equiza.
Rector: Alberto González Guerrero
Firs vice-rector and vice-rector of University Policy: José Antonio Corriente Córdoba
Vice-rector of Teaching Staff and Teaching: Alejandro Arizkun Cela
Vice-rector of Research and Equipment: José Luis Torres Escribano
General Secretary: Carmen Ancín Azpilicueta
Rector: Pedro Burillo López
Vice-rector of Teaching Staff: Juan María Sandoval Martín
Vice-rector of Teaching: José Luis Torres Escribano
Vice-rector of Research: Julio Lafuente López
Vice-rector of University Awareness: Julián José Garrido Segovia
Vice-rector of Economics Matters and Infrastructures: Adolfo de Francisco García
General Secretary: Jesús María Osés Gorraiz
- Chairperson: Pedro Burillo López
- Representatives of the Gobernment of Navarra
- Guillermo Herrero Maté
- Luis Cruchaga Equiza
- Jesús Javier Ascunce Elizaga
- Miguel Ángel Iriso Lerga
- Representatives of the University
- Alberto González Guerrero
- Miguel Olmeda Fernández (secretary)