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Doctoral modalities


Doctoral modalities

Optionally, you may study your doctoral degree in one of the following modalities:

In order to do so, throughout the doctoral degree you must meet a series of requirements listed in the following sections.

To obtain the International Doctor mention, you must indicate it on the thesis deposit authorization form and ensure that you meet these requirements:

  • To carry out a minimum stay of three months outside of Spain in a prestigious higher education institution or research centre, pursuing studies or conducting research.
  • Develop, at least, the abstract and conclusions in one of the usual languages for scientific communication in your field of knowledge, different from any of the official languages in Spain
  • Both external reviewers must be members of a non-Spanish higher education institution or research institute.
  • At least one member of the tribunal evaluating the thesis must be an expert doctor member of a non-Spanish higher education institution or research centre, other than the one in charge of the stay mentioned in section one.
  • The defence of the thesis will take place at Public University of Navarre, or in the case of joint doctoral programmes in any of the universities members or under the terms stated in the collaboration agreements.

Take into account that when you request authorisation to deposit your thesis, you must attach the documents proving the international doctor mention specified in section Apply for authorisation for thesis deposit.


In order to obtain the Mention of Industrial Doctor you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Having a work or commercial contract with a company in the private or public sector, as well as a public administration, which may not be a university. The contract must be at least two-year long during the drafting of the thesis..
  2. Having developed their researching career mostly in a company or public administration within an R&D+I project context, which must be object of the doctoral thesis. This fact will be proved through a report which must be approved by the Doctorate School.
  3.  Signing a collaboration agreement between the university and collaboration agreement between the university and the company or public administration, for the express purpose of drafting the thesis. The collaboration agreement must be signed during the first academic year the student is researching. The agreement must be reviewed by the Technical Secretary Office of Public University of Navarre.
  4. Having a thesis supervisor appointed by Public University of Navarre and linked to the doctoral programme, as well as a tutor in charge appointed by the company or public administration which may be, where appropriate, joint supervisor of the thesis in agreement with the doctoral programme regulations.
  5. Having taken part, among others, in training activities on specific competences related to leadership, coordination and R&D+I project management; transfer of research results; development of new companies; and intellectual and industrial property.

In those cases in which the Industrial Doctoral degree is to take place within the framework of a public call, the latter may establish more demanding levels and/or additional requirements. 

Take into account that when you request authorisation to deposit your thesis, you must attach the documents proving the mention in industrial doctoral degree specified in section apply for authorisation for thesis deposit.

More information on the industrial doctoral degree

Doctoral students of foreign institutions who wish to carry out their doctoral theses on a jointly supervised basis must:

Grants for joint supervision: