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- Dual degree in Thermal Engineering
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- Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural, Food and Rural Environment Engineering
- Bachelor’s Degree in Innovation on Food Processes and Products
- International Program of the Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural, Food and Rural Environment Engineering
- Double Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural, Food and Rural Environment Engineering & Innovation on Food Processes & Products
- Science
Economics and Business
- Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Business Administration
- Bachelor’s Degree in Economics
- International Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Business Administration
- Double Bachelor’s Degree in Management, Business Administration and Law
- International Double Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Management and Business Administration
- International Double Bachelor's Degree in Management, Business Administration and Law
- Double Bachelor’s Degree in Data Science and Management, Business Administration
- Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education
- Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education
- International Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education
- International Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education
- Double Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education
- International Double Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education + Primary Education
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Industrial
Computer Science and Telecom.
- Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering
- Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science
- Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering
- International Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering
- International Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science
- Double Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technology Engineering and Biomedical Engineering
- Legal
- Healthcare
- The whole offer
Dual degree in Thermal Engineering
Contribute to society's development and well-being through an interdisciplinar and dual degree which you will be able to apply to groundbreaking areas in the thermal engineering field, such as the cooling, renewable energies, agrifood, automotive or building industries
- Modality: in-person
- Language: Spanish (possibility of taking subjects in English and Basque)
- Credits: 240 ECTS
- Duration: 4 academic years (8 terms)
- Spaces available: 20
- Academic head: Antonio Rodríguez García
- Center: School of Industrial & ICT Engineering
- Campus: Pamplona
- Facilities: Energetic Technology laboratory, Thermal Machines, Thermotechnology, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines (virtual visit).
- More information: Open Days (video)
Diploma quality and indicators
More information about the degree
Documentos acreditativos de la titulación
- Última memoria verificada (06/09/2023)
Registros y publicaciones oficiales
- Registro de Universidades Centros y Títulos (RUCT): Código del título: 1500101
- Publicación del título en el BOE (30/10/2023)
- Publicación del plan de estudios en el BOE
Fecha de efectos | Evaluación | Informe |
06/07/2023 | Verificación | Informe de verificación |
Sistema de garantía de la calidad
El Sistema de Garantía Interna de Calidad (SGIC) de este grado está descrito en este enlace.
- Los datos sobre el funcionamiento de este sistema, informes de evaluación y planes de mejora se pueden encontrar en este enlace.
- La calidad en la UPNA
Buzón de quejas, sugerencias, agradecimientos y consultas
Indicadores disponibles de la titulación
Miembros de la Comisión de Garantía de Calidad del Centro
Los datos sobre los miembros de la Comisión se pueden encontrar en este enlace.