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- Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural, Food and Rural Environment Engineering
- Bachelor’s Degree in Innovation on Food Processes and Products
- International Program of the Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural, Food and Rural Environment Engineering
- Double Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural, Food and Rural Environment Engineering & Innovation on Food Processes & Products
- Science
Economics and Business
- Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Business Administration
- Bachelor’s Degree in Economics
- International Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Business Administration
- Double Bachelor’s Degree in Management, Business Administration and Law
- International Double Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Management and Business Administration
- International Double Bachelor's Degree in Management, Business Administration and Law
- Double Bachelor’s Degree in Data Science and Management, Business Administration
- Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education
- Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education
- International Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education
- International Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education
- Double Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education
- International Double Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education + Primary Education
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Industrial
Computer Science and Telecom.
- Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering
- Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science
- Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering
- International Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering
- International Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science
- Double Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technology Engineering and Biomedical Engineering
- Legal
- Healthcare
- The whole offer
Double Bachelor’s Degree in Data Science + Management and Business Administration
Understand the phenomenon of technology companies, both in the innovation of their products and in their innovative business techniques. Learn how they have become some of the most valuable companies in the world and be part of the revolution they represent in an increasingly connected global world, whether you join one or start your own company.
- Modality: in-person
- Language: Spanish
- Credits: 360 ECTS
- Duration: 5,5 terms (11 semesters)
- Spaces available: 10
- Academic head: Cristina Azcárate Camio
- Center: School of Agricultural Engineering and Biosciences
- Campus: Pamplona
- More information: Open Days (video)
Trabajo fin de grado
Más información sobre el grado
El trabajo de fin de grado está orientado a la evaluación más global de las competencias asociadas a la titulación, compendiando la formación adquirida a lo largo de todas sus enseñanzas. Tiene carácter obligatorio. El estudiante deberá elaborar un trabajo de investigación sobre un tema de cualquiera de las materias principales del plan de estudios. A cada alumno se le asignará un profesor responsable del seguimiento del trabajo que le guiará en la obtención y gestión de la información necesaria y en la redacción final del trabajo.
Trabajo de fin de grado (Grado en Ciencias de Datos)
Trabajo de fin de grado (Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas)