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Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

End-of-master's-degree project

Check the guide of your master's degree and the forms available

The End-of-Master’s-degree project must take a default format. 

Format to apply Format to apply

Check here End-of-Master's degree projects from previous years in the institutional archive (Academica-e)

When can I defend my end-of-Master’s-degree project?

Para poder inscribir el TFE, será obligatorio haber participado de forma activa en el curso sobre competencias informacionales organizado por la Biblioteca de la Universidad Pública de Navarra (Curso online de Competencias Informacionales). Se considera como participación activa la realización y superación del curso en un porcentaje de al menos el 70%. La ausencia de participación activa impedirá la defensa del TFE.

Curso on-line de competencias informacionales

Fecha final para la realización del curso de competencias informacionales (obligatorio): hasta el lunes, 8 de abril de 2024.

When can I defend my end-of-Master’s-degree project?

  • Defence: three time periods a year (February, June and September)
  • To apply for one period: it is necessary to have a director chosen at least 2 months before the submission date of the project.
  • The procedure will be as follows:
    • Registration and defence of End-of-master’s-degree project:
      • fill in the TFM registration and defence form  (it must be signed by the director of the project)
      • submit it at the School of Economics’ Office
      • if the director does not authorise the TFM: you may improve it and submit it in the next period for defence.
        In this case, and only during the September defence period, the student may request to subject the project to the assessment of the Extraordinary Assessing Body organised for such purpose, which will assess the project according to the terms that the tribunal itself establishes, and always in agreement with the criteria established on the signature.
    • Public introduction and presentation befor the Ordinary Assessing Tribunal formed for such purpose.
      • The tribunal will grade the project according to the criteria stated on the signature (Tribunal's signature example).
      • The student will defend orally their project for 15 minutes, and answer questions from the tribunal for an undefined period of time.
      • The final grade of the project will be set by the assessing tribunal.
      • If the student does not agree with the grade, they may subject the project to the revision of the Extraordinary Assessing Body.
        In this case, the tribunal will assess the project basing on the meeting of the criteria established on the signature. Its oral defence will not be necessary.
Calendar defense of End-of-master's degree project
  February June September

Last week of January

Third week of June

Third week of September

Publication of the director's final report

End of last week of January End of third week of June

End of third week of September

Oral presentation before the Ordinary Assessment Tribunal First week of February Fourth week of June Fourth week of September

Publication of Ordinary Assessment Tribunals
(members, place, date and time) and Assessing Entity

Check here  

Check here

Publication of grades
Ordinary Tribunal
Check here
Student's assessment request
Extraordinary Assessing Tribunal
The day after the grades are published
Review of the Extraordinary Assessing Tribunal Second week of February First week of July First week of October
Record of the subject End-of-master’s-degree thesis Same date as all master's degree subjects   1 October

How will my work be assessed?

  • The criteria are defined in the Guide of the Subject End-of-Master’s-degree project 
  • Very High Pass with Honours
    • Each tribunal may propose with reason the grade for those End-of-master’s-degree theses whi have been graded 9 or higher.
    • If the number is higher than 5% of all the End-of-master's-degree theses defended in each degree, this will be decided by the assessing commission, formed by the Dean of the School, the Vice-Chancellor of the corresponding degree and the presidents of those tribunals which have... 
  • False pretences: plagiarism and the use of non-original material (except for that explicitly authorised by the teaching staff), including the one obtained from the Internet, not indicating explicitly its origin and, if applicable, permission from its author, may be graded Fail (0,0) and be subjected to a penalty after disciplinary proceedings have been initiated.

What happens after the defence?

  • Checking and using End-of-studies theses stored in the institutional archive of the Library is only authorised for non-profit-making preservation, study and research purposes.
  • The text may only be used for short quotes, always stating author and source, according to Law 23/2006, which modifies the consolidated text of the Intellectual property Law.
  • Authors keep all their copyrights and, therefore, may use their work as they may deem appropriate (published on commercial media, store it in other archives, etc.

Access the archive academica-e Access the archive academica-e
