Faculty of Health Sciences
The Faculty today
- Olga López de Dicastillo Sainz de Murieta
- Bachelor's Degree in Nursing
- Ana Beatriz Bays Moneo
- Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy
- José Javier López Goñi
- Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology
- Tomás Belzunegui Otano
- Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine
- Diego Fernando Rivera Camacho
- Internationalisation and Mobility
- María Teresa Sanz de Acedo Baquedano
- Head of Quality
Secretary: Alfonso Arteaga Olleta
Teaching staff of the University Teaching Staff appointed by the Dean
PDI: subsector Lecturers members of the teaching staff and Associate Professors
PDI: subsector Temporary lecturers
Students' representatives
Cristina Bueno Romero
Nadir Mansori Essalhi
Julen Pedrosa Ganuza
Carolina Robles Nobre
Representative of the Administration and Services Staff
- Dean:
Javier Fernández Montalvo - Quality Coordinator:
María Teresa Sanz de Acedo Baquedano - Representative of the Administration and Services Staff:
Xabier Ezkieta Sorozabal - Representative of the Organisation and Quality Unit:
Piedad Muelas Gullón - Representative of the PDI Inspection Unit:
Mariola Artuch Aguirre - Representative of the Vice-Chancellor’s office for Academic Policies:
Leticia Jericó Ojer - External agent:
María Isabel Rodrigo Rincón - Students:
Irene Amadoz Muro y Julen Pedrosa Ganuza - Person in charge of Quality Degree in Nursing:
Olga López de Dicastillo Sainz de Murieta - Person in charge of Quality Degree in Physiotherapy:
Ana Beatriz Bays Moneo - Person in charge of Quality Degree in Psychology:
José Javier López Goñi - Person in charge of Quality Degree in Medicine:
Tomás Belzunegui Otano - Master’s Degree in Health Sciences Research:
María Jesús Pumar Méndez - Master’s Degree in Public Health:
Francisco Guillén Grima - Master’s Degree in Health Promotion and Social Development:
Inés Aguinaga Ontos
- Deputy Dean for Internationalisation and Mobility :
Diego Fernando Rivera Camacho - International Relations Coordinator (Degree in Nursing):
Cristina García Vivar - International Relations Coordinator (Degree in Physiotherapy):
María Ortega Moneo - International Relations Coordinator (Degree in Psychology):
Laiene Olabarrieta Landa - International Relations Coordinator (Degree in Medicine):
María Josefa Pajares Villandiego - Head of Mobility Cooperation:
Leticia San Martín Rodríguez
- Decano:
Javier Fernández Montalvo - Secretario:
Alfonso Arteaga Olleta - Vicedecana Grado en Enfermería:
Olga López de Dicastillo Sainz de Murieta - Vicedecana del Grado en Fisioterapia:
Ana Beatriz Bays Moneo - Vicedecano del Grado en Psicología:
José Javier López Goñi - Vicedecano del Grado en Medicina:
Tomás Belzunegui Otano - Representante del profesorado permanente:
María Teresa Sanz de Acedo Baquedano - Representante del profesorado no permanente:
- Representante del PAS:
Amaya Virto Manero - Estudiantes:
Julen Pedrosa Ganuza
Centers and Departments
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- website
- Email Pamplona: facultadccsalud@unavarra.es
- Email Tudela: secretaria.fisioterapia@unavarra.es
- Department of Health Sciences website - departamento.ciencias.salud@unavarra.es
People in charge
- Unit Manager: Xabier Mikel Ezkieta Sorozabal
- Department of Health Sciences Coordinator: Camino Oria Mundin
Administration Staff and Location
- Emma Aparicio Agreda
- Miriam Bueno Macaya
- Carlos M. Afonso Quiñones
- María Ángeles Leoz Villanueva
- Amaya Virto Manero
- Raquel Colas Gorricho
- Carlota Alfaro Mendez
Telephone: 948 16 6206
Office hours
- Monday-Thusday: 9:00-14:30 and 16:00 - 18:00
- Friday: 9:00-14:30
Summer office hours (Juldy and August): 9:00 - 14:30
Christmas and Easter office hours: 9:00 - 14:30
Telephone: 948 417880 (internal extension 3880)
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 - 14:30
- Delegados y delegadas curso 2023-2024
- Consejo de Estudiantes. Vocal de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud: Julen Pedrosa Ganuza (en funciones)