Sociology and Social Work
The department
Government and management
- Director: Deputy directors:
- Secretary:
- Ex-officio members: teaching and research staff members of the department
- Alemán Salcedo, Eliana
- Aliende Urtasun, Ana
- Alútiz Colorado, Juan Carlos
- Amigot Leache, Patricia
- Anaut Bravo, Sagrario
- Andueza Imirizaldu, Izaskun
- Arza Porras, Javier
- Ayerdi Echeverri, Peio
- Ballestero Izquierdo, Alberto
- Beriain Razquin, José Miguel
- Casares García, Mª Esther
- Damonti, Paola
- Díaz De Rada Iguzquiza, Vidal
- Elizalde San Miguel, Begoña
- Erro Sala, Javier
- Feliú Martínez, Ricardo
- Fernández Rasines, Paloma
- García Magariño, Sergio
- Goñi Urrutia, Iosune
- Hernández De Frutos, Teodoro
- Idareta Goldaracena, Francisco
- Innerarity Grau, Carmen
- Iso Tinoco, Andoni
- Iturbide Rodrigo, Ruth
- Jauregui Virto, Alberto
- Laparra Navarro, Miguel
- Lapuerta Méndez, Irene
- Larrión Cartujo, José Antonio
- Lasheras Ruiz, Rubén
- Lostao Unzu, Lourdes
- Martínez Lorea, Ion
- Martínez Magdalena, Santiago
- Martínez Sordoni, Laureano
- Martínez Virto, Lucía
- Martínez De Lizarrondo Artola, Antidio
- Oliva Serrano, Jesús
- Perales Díaz, José Antonio
- Pérez Eransus, Begoña
- Pérez Esain, Ernesto
- Pérez-Agote Aguirre, José Mª
- Rodríguez Fouz, Marta
- Sánchez Capdequí, Celso
- Sánchez De La Yncera, Ignacio
- Sánchez Prieto, Juan Mª
- Sánchez Salmerón, Victor
- Sanz Tolosana, Elvira
- Uribe Oyarbide, José Mª
- Úriz Pemán, Mª Jesús
- Viscarret Garro, Juan Jesús
- Zugasti Mutilva, Nerea
- Zuloaga Lojo, Lohitzune
- Representatives of the teaching and researching staff members of the department
- Bretos Peralta, Francisco Pablo
- Huerta Tardío, Maite
- Isaba Lacabe, Alberto
- Moreno Lostao, Almudena
- Olza Esteban, Alicia
- Villanueva Oyarzabal, José Antonio
- Representatives of the delegates of degrees in which the department teaches
- Monteano Ganuza, Irantzu (Doctorate)
- Montero Collado, Iván (Master's degree)
- Lazpiur Ezenarro, Miren
- Marín Arriazu, Nuria
- Miquélez Gómez, Paloma
- Ruiz Vilar, Iñaki
- Administration and Services staff member of the Administrative Support Unit for centres and departments
- Espinal Espinal, Juan Carlos
- Velasco Elizalde, Concepción (alternate)
- Representatives of the management team
- Representatives of the sector of teaching and research staff
- Representative of the sector of teaching and researching staff of the department
- Representatives of the sector of Administration and Services staff
- Espinal Espinal, Juan Carlos
- *Representative of the sector of degrees delegates*
- Marín Arriazu, Nuria
*Pending renewal
Areas of knowledge
- Social Anthropology
- Political and Administration Science
- Philosophy
- History of Thought and Social Movements
- Sociology
- Social Work and Social Services