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Fecha: 24 de abril de 2024 12:00

Seminario "The Role of Consumers' Past, Present, and Future Self-Archetypes in Shaping Authenticity Perceptions"


Por Jano Jiménez Barreto

Este seminario se celebrará el 24 de abril, a las 12.00 h, en la sala de seminarios del edificio Jerónimo de Ayanz, en el Campus de Arrosadia.


Self-referential stimuli in advertising represent an effective technique in pursuit of persuasion. Due to their relevance, advertising and consumer behavior research have examined how variations in messages that prompt consumers' evaluations of the past and future affect their memory, attitudes, and behavior. However, as consumers' representations of the self at different stages of life can vary in terms of evoking positive or negative associations, advertisers lack knowledge of which temporal perspective is more persuasive when designing self-referencing messages and which parts of consumers' identity will be more affected by these temporal perspectives. The present research explores this question, investigating how priming consumers with self-evaluations of past, present, and future archetypes while they concurrently process stimuli related to the authenticity of product/experience brands distinctly shapes their perceptions, attitudes, and behavior. Five experiments based on these propositions demonstrated that priming consumers to evaluate self-archetypes of the past/present/future when viewing communications signaling an offer's existential authenticity has distinct effects on perceived authenticity, perceived brand quality, attitude, and willingness to pay.

CV del ponente

Marketing professor Jano Jiménez-Barreto conducts research on how consumers perceive and interact with brands and technology. He investigates questions at the intersection of marketing, psychology, and sociology. He is particularly interested in consumer behavior, consumer culture theory, retailing, tourism consumption, and branding.