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Fecha: 6 de octubre de 2022 12:00

Seminario "Superstar Apps, Innovation and Data Privacy in Digital Markets"

  • Día y hora: jueves, 6 de octubre, 12:00 horas

Lugar: Sala de Reuniones del Departamento de Economía (2ª planta del Edificio Los Madroños).

Ponente:  Alba del Villar Olano (UPNA-Dpto. Economía)

Título: "Superstar Apps, Innovation and Data Privacy in Digital Markets"


«Based on 3.1 million mobile apps, this study examines how innovation and data privacy are key to firm success in digital markets. Certain types of personal data sharing may be at the heart of some innovation mechanisms leading to the creation superstar apps, but other types may be detrimental to individual and social welfare. Our results confirm that data privacy (i.e., de rule and the facto) emerges as strong catalyst for digital firms to become super stars, since their individual effect outweighs penetration and diversification innovation mechanisms included in the empirical model. Additionally, we find empirical evidence signaling potential information asymmetries about when, what and why end-user data is collected. In fact, there are negative effects of sharing personal information, camera and GPS location, while we find positive effects due to sharing unique IP address, writing in external storage and recording audio.»