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Data: 2024(e)ko irailaren 25a 12:00

Seminario de investigación. "Relationships in the Wild: How Institutions Affect the Governance of Firms"


Giorgio Zanarone, HEC Lausanne (University of Lausanne)

INARBE organiza este seminario que se celebrará el día 25 de septiembre a las 12:00h. en la sala de conferencias del edificio Jerónimo de Ayanz.


Short Bio::

Giorgio Zanarone is Associate Professor at HEC Lausanne, the business school of the University of Lausanne. His primary areas of expertise are business strategy and the economics of institutions and organizations. He is Secretary and former Director of SIOE, the Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics, and a Representative at Large of the Strategic Management Society. Giorgio has published in top Business journals such as Management Science and Strategic Management Journal.