Data: 2023(e)ko abenduaren 1a 12:00
Seminario Lara Ezquerra "The Impact of Framing Effects on Incentivized Creative Performance"
Día y hora: viernes, 1 de Diciembre de 2023, 12:00 horas
Lugar: Sala de Reuniones del Departamento de Economía. Edificio Los Madroños, 2ª planta (ECON-2026)
Ponente: Lara Ezquerrra (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Título: The Impact of Framing Effects on Incentivized Creative Performance (trabajo conjunto con Abel Lucena)
Abstract: The study of creativity is critical, given its positive effect in knowledge-intensive economies and entrepreneurial activity. A crucial question for economists is then how to incentivize creative performance. Up to this point, closed creative tasks, those for which goals and constraints are clear, have shown a positive reaction to monetary incentives. Our aim is to explore if the framing used to introduce monetary incentives can vary individual's performance in closed creativity tasks. For that purpose, we run an experiment where subjects face two different closed creativity tasks (graphical and verbal) that are incentivized using a gain or a loss framing. We observe that the loss framing has a positive effect in creative performance in the graphical task, and that this effect is even greater for subjects with experience. In the verbal task, there are no effects of the loss framing or experience on performance. We conclude that the effect of introducing a loss framing is therefore never detrimental for creative performance. In addition, the nature of the task is relevant for the effect of framing on subject’s performance.