Data: 2023(e)ko ekainaren 8a 12:00
Seminario Iñigo Hernández "Promoting pro-social behavior in the field(?): The effects of Social comparisons and Kantian concerns"
Día y hora: jueves, 8 de Junio de 2023, 12:00 horas
Lugar: Sala de Reuniones del Departamento de Economía nº 2026 (2ª planta del Edificio Los Madroños).
Ponente: Iñigo Hernandez (UPNA)
Título: Promoting pro-social behavior in the field(?): The effects of Social comparisons and Kantian concerns (trabajo conjunto con Ingela Alger (TSE), Pau Juan-Bartroli (TSE), y Pau Balart (UIB))
This will be an informal seminar focused on exploring an initial research project idea. Given that the project is in its early stages, few to none results will be presented. Instead, the focus will be on openly sharing the potential weaknesses and limitations of the experimental design and theoretical framework to gain feedback. The goal is to improve these aspects before advancing the project further.
Summary of the project: We will conduct a field experiment in Palma, where a series of households will be contacted regarding their biowaste recycling habits. These households will be randomly assigned to different treatment groups receiving information designed to activate specific behavioral mechanisms. The overarching aims of the experiment are twofold: 1) the relative impact of social comparison and Kantian preferences on pro-environmental behavior and 2) assess the role of Kantian preferences in shaping people's prosocial preferences.