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Date: February 10, 2019 3:00 PM

Seminario de Investigación:Child EFL writers: the impact of collaboration and feedback in students' motivation


por Izaskun Villarreal.

El Instituto ICOMMUNITAS organiza el seminario titulado: Child EFL writers: the impact of collaboration and feedback in students' motivation e impartido por Izaskun Villarreal.

Izaskun Villarreal is Assistant Professor at the Public University of Navarra, where she currently teaches undergraduate courses in English didactics and Content and Language Integrated Learning in the BA in Infant and Primary Education. She also lectures in the Master's programme Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria at the Public University of Navarra. She was awarded the Outstanding Thesis Award for the Academic Year 2011/2012 with a dissertation entitled "Tense and agreement in the non-native English of Basque/Spanish bilinguals: CLIL vs. non-CLIL learners" . Her research focuses on the acquisition of EFL in school contexts and has published in national and international journals such as Second Language Research and Language Teaching Research.

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